
LOVE has come for you.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Edward Hopper

Harbor sunset 1929

Room in Brooklyn 1932


Elizabeth Halt said...

We went to see the Winslow Homer and Edward Hopper exhibitions at the Art Institute when we were in Chicago this spring. I prefer Edward Hopper. :) I don't remember those two photos though.

ethiopifinn said...

I agree about W.H. reminds me of the "blow out/starving artists" sales that are advertised on tv.

Jan said...

I can't decide whether I like E. Hopper or not- I appreciate his painting skills, but the scenarios always give me a funny feeling. They are tense- frozen in time or something.

ethiopifinn said...

j: i agree. i do like these two, and one other (the title escapes me)--well they speak to me at least. but i think the akwardish feeling is a reflection of the culture at that time. or maybe his own discomfort? who knows. i even enjoy the variation in color of suvi's diapers these days. the mia is totally mia from my activities list! :)