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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dental cleaning

I asked the lady at the front desk in my dental office whether anyone had cancelled their appointment today to watch the inauguration. She scoffed and said "No, but if they did, I would have sent them to the insane asylum." I buried my head in my OK mag and smirked and shirked because I contemplated rescheduling my cleaning. The conversation continued without me between Front Desk Lady and Patient Waiting for His Wife. He was enjoying the greatness of the historical implications, she replied with, "He isn't even Black! And they are really playing that up." My Mom is 100% Finnish in her ethnicity, and I totally claim Finnish as my heritage. What, so now I'm not Finnish? Who knows what the heck Front Desk Lady was really getting at, but I found the humor in it (something my lovely husband--who must not be Black either, he's Ethiopian--has taught me: handle this kind of misunderstanding with grace and mercy). I didn't want to miss the swearing in ceremony. But my hygienist got me in a few minutes early and I was back home with one minute to spare.


Elizabeth Halt said...

I knew I wasn't Finnish! Tee-hee.

I'm glad you made it home in time! I loved watching his daughters; they were so cute.

ethiopifinn said...

I didn't even pay attention to those little beauties! I'm going to check it out in the replay :)

Leanne said...

Sometimes I love to sit and listen to conversations like that. HOWEVER, I have a hard time not jumping in. Good for you for your graceful distance. :)

MindiJo said...

Someone was a little bitter! Yeesh.

I wish I was a blonde Finn. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Definitely bitterness. Wow. And who knows what else...

I saw something the other day that I found interesting. It was another comment on a random blog about how, regardless of our political party, we should never take for granted the peaceful changing of political leaders in our country. Everything else aside, that would be enough to stop and be thankful for inauguration day!

And, geez, I always thought I was a Finn too! If I'm also part Swede and American... Now I'm really confused! Haha! Good one.

ethiopifinn said...

sometimes i am a blonde Finn and sometimes i am a dark Finn. ;)
But I am Finn, and a proud American, and thankful for that peaceful transfer of power, a government that works, even if it doesn't work the way we think it should. USA!

Lorz said...

Oh boy, you are GOOD. My mouth would have been full of blood from biting my tongue! Love the humor you saw in it- I wish I was more like that. :)