Imagine yourself as a DVD player, where would you be hiding? I CANNOT find ours and it is bugging me! I don't know if I hid it really well, if it got moved accidentally, if my husband "cleaned" and it is in a bag somewhere... Last night I totally removed everything from the upstairs closet in search of this thing. I've been thinking about re-stacking the stuff in that closet (it was hastily jam-packed before my sister-in-law moved in) for quite a while now, so I'm glad I was able to weed a few things out of there (thrift store delivery tonight), but the DVD player wasn't in there. Hmm. The frightening part of this mystery, is that it could be in our basement. Oh My Word. Have you ever been down there? Ick. Serious re-stacking is in order down there, or dis-order, if you will. And will you? Just take a few hours to sort out the trash from my treasured mementos. I'll make lunch. And if you find the DVD player, I'll make you dessert, too.
We had a missing remote for days. It was so annoying because how many times can you turn over every couch cushion before you go mad? Finally we bought a universal one, only to find it didn't work with our player. Universal, not so much. And guess where we found it? ...in the Lazy Boy. The Lazy Boy that we had already searched at least a dozen times. Geez. Maybe look on top of your tv- you just might find it. :D
I'd love to sort through your junk- it would be funner than sorting through mine. Depending on my mood, I could be ruthless or see endless possibility in everything...do you want to come sort through my junk??
jan. totally.
watch for the truck.
If I were a DVD player, I would hide under the bed. However, I do recall what a thorough *cleaner* your hubby is, so that can't be it. Maybe somewhere up high, in the top of a closet. Yeah, that's my prediction. Not in the basement, that sounds like a project to call in the big guns for!
Would love to enjoy lunch AND dessert with you after solving this great mystery, now where did I put my magnifying glass...
It's good to see the kids know how to tease their Mama and keep her on her toes! Cuties.
How could you go without your DVD player? I love my DVD player. I'd marry it.
I love to organize other people's stuff. Seriously, this project have me written all over it. It ain't like I gotta job or nuthin' and a girl's gotta eat.
Adorable pictures! (Did the DVD player turn up yet? I'd be curious to know where it landed.)
The pictures are so cute!! If I were a missing DVD player I would be under my bed or in a cloths basket with laundry on top. (I always happen to have full baskets of cloths hanging around. They never seem to put themselves away!)I MISS YOU! XOXO Nancy
I wanted to say CLOTHES and not CLOTHS ! I am the world's greatest speller.
Nan--your spelling makes for funnier reading. still not found. but it isn't the main one, for those who might've been put in a panic. we keep that one on the stairs.
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