
LOVE has come for you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More gushy stuff.

Sometimes ya gotta jam a years worth of talking and laughing and sighing and truth-be-tolds into just a few days, or hours, or here and there phone calls. But they are so worth it, those moments, for the freedom of true friendship. It feels so good to be taken care of and loved by girlfriends.

So much love for the girls in these pictures, and the girls who live across states and oceans...
what a great blessing to be able connect and support and lean.

Also, at lunch today I told Deanna, "I feel like my life is perfect." Just then Theo jammed his straw down hard into his cup and it punched through the bottom as he dropped it and the apple juice splashed all over her feet and mine. I said, "Oh Crap." Theo repeated that one for a few minutes. Hysterical.

When Habtamu offered for the two of us girls to get out of the house this evening, we jumped on it. Wraps from Eddington's and some hair color. I haven't done De's hair in years--felt just like old times. Got home to my sweet Hubinator, sleeping children, and a DVD, p.s.- I love you. This summer is totally double-o-c fun and relaxing! Never mind that I didn't shower today and my hair was looking extra "shiny" if you know what I mean, and my tennies are still sticky from the juice, and Theo stayed up til ten, even though I couldn't get him to nap today. And that Suvi is back to biting again, and waking up in the night a lot lately. Those are all part of it.


Anonymous said...

By the time Dee gets back to her quiet life she will have a novel to write.

Those stolen moments with girlfriends are more precious than gold.


Anonymous said...

I have already started it...title is, "Girlfriends are the silver lining to life's adventures"
Thank you all for so many giggles, tears, adventures and love.

MindiJo said...

Your life sounds perfect to me.

ethiopifinn said...

mindi, it pretty much is. haha.
loving life these days, even tho' i'm tired as all get out (not your kind of tired, tho:) and haven't committed to DR to heal our bank accounts, and the dishes are mounding...
aint too shabby.

cyndi :) said...

Perfect. :) Girlfriends are most definitely some of God's most wonderful blessings... I just love mine, and am so happy to share that feeling of gratefulness with other girlies. :)

Plus, sticky tennies are a blessing, too. They usually mean we've got a wee one in our life behind them causing the sticky.

Praise God!