I have a beautifully accurate mirror. Sometimes I beam with pride when the mirror is sparkling bright, reflecting all the favorite parts. Other moments I want to close my eyes and ears, ugly echoes much louder than everything else. My mirror is about 3 feet by 10 inches and it should never (although sometimes I have to admit I imagine doing this), ever be hung on the wall. It has short brown curly hair and wears a size 7 shoe.
I AM SO THANKFUL CHILDREN'S HEARTS ARE FULL OF FORGIVENESS. I snuggled her for a few minutes, then asked her if she was ready to go back to bed. "Ya," she said as she lay down in my arms and jammed her blanky into her mouth. (I never said she isn't weird, just perfect.) Theo said "Nigh'nigh," and my Suvi girl talked to herself about Elmo for a few minutes until she fell back to sleep. Sweet baby.
Now, I MUST go shine up my little mirror. Sweet boy. (just turned around to see why his play got so quiet. he has rolled up the rug to make hills. oh brother)
We are so lucky that kids can just forgive and forget so easily. Many times I hear my kids repeating what I have said and thinking- do I really sound like that?
Aren't you grateful for those "mirrors" and honesty? :) I'm always amazed though, at how children are so willing to let it go. If someone talked to me the way I'm short with my beautiful kiddos sometimes, I would pout for ages.
I laughed at the rug rolling pictures- we've had the same thing at our house. I finally helped our little guy put things UNDER the rug to make hills. That way the dust didn't fly so often and I can pretend like it's clean under there. :D
Sometimes your writing makes me want to cry, why? I think in part because I get transferred into your world if even for a brief moment, and it makes me miss you. Not sure if there are any other reasons...:)
a-right? :)
julie--i was reading your mom's blog and then came right back & here was your comment. funny (at least to me).
joni--i went to a class about hair product and some of the things the guy (a hairdresser and it is his new line of hair care) said totally made me get tears in my eyes. Things that ring true for me in my job. Just the truth of it touched me. weird, eh?
It's hard to hear ourselves sometimes. Echoed back to us through our kids. But in the long run, it's for the better. Trust me, you aren't the only one that this has happened to...
My mirror said "Mom, I'm too busy!!!" It sounded awful coming from a 2 yr old. My words. "I am TOO BUSY!!!"
the other thing i hear him saying, "I am so tired. I am so so so so tired."
Yes, that is probably what it is all about - as usual, you know how to put it down!
Warms my heart to hear about life with your little darling teachers! :~)
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