
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, December 20, 2010

4 x 4

my first little lamb is 4 today.
Happy Birthday to my LoveBug!


MindiJo said...

Happy birthday, big guy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Theo! MY how big you've grown. I wish me and Micah could come to your party.


mella said...

Congrats to ewe and your hubby-ram, and Happy Day celebrating sweet Theo today!

Joni said...

That boy! You two are doing a fabulous job over there with your lambs. Happy Birthday Theo!

Elizabeth Halt said...

Happy birthday, Theo! (That third photo is priceless.)

ethiopifinn said...

elizabeth, it's one of my favorites. i hope he doesn't see it on here...he'll want me to take it down.

Tara said...

Adorable pics of your kids. You are a lucky woman!