
LOVE has come for you.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

day three.

I'm just trying to keep myself and the kids entertained as we adjust to Dad's new schedule.


Elizabeth Halt said...

*waves at all of you*

*imagines you waving back*

ethiopifinn said...

Theo and Suvi asking if they can pet Atlas and Theo asking, "Does Libby know me?""Do I know *Libby*?"


Joni said...

love those faces! Warms my heart to see you all -- I LOVE your bangs! I gave myself a trim the other day and tried to give myself some bangs, am liking them. I might have to go at them again...:)

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I love your bangs.

~ Jennifer

MindiJo said...

That's what I was going to say! Lovin' the bangs! You super-chic mommy, you!