
LOVE has come for you.

Friday, July 13, 2012

people to please, bills to pay

we had a garage sale.  it was fun.  it was A LOT of work.  soooo much sweating.  but i really liked it.  it has been slow for me again at the ol' salon, and we are back on the dave ramsey diet, so it was THE perfect time to sell off some of our goods.  i went to the bank to deposit cashola immediately without delay.  i paid two bills.  that would have otherwise been paid by pulling a rabbit out of my ass hat.  the Good Lord does indeed provide, my friends.

the sale was one step toward financial peace.  tcb: taking care of business!  but did you know that when you have a garage sale you get to be outside ALL day, and if your dryer is broken and you are displaying your wares on your drying racks, you don't have to do any laundry? YAY!  actually, i rather like doing the laundry, and not just because i like clean undies. i really like clean undies AND i like the simplicity of washing the clothes, hanging, folding, and then jamming them into drawers ( i like that last part less). i like to see if i did enough pre-treating and scrubbing to get suvi and judah's clothes clean. theo is neat and orderly, people. i digress.  it was simply lovely to sit in the shade, feel the breeze, see the people.

on top of that, some of our things found a new home. some other little baby girl gets to wear that adorable stripey sweater of suvi's i've been saving for 'what if.' and it's fun to guess why that guy bought the baby bottles after he tested out the nipples. watching people peruse amuses me, folks. witnessing that teeny little spark when she discovers some brown sneakers that were hardly even worn...sigh. don't you get a good feeling when you know you just scored a sweet bargain? FUN TO WATCH IT HAPPEN!!!

there is a similar experience in the salon.  to help my client carryout her style decision, the smile on her face when she sees the finished product, satisfaction. Keep the customers satisfied, SATISFIED!

plus, it is FRIDAY!!! i hope you know how i love the friday post.  and youse.
happy at the week end xo.


Anonymous said...

:) I can see how putting on a sale would invite a host of smiles. I never saw it that way. I've never had one, maybe I will someday. Fun to read about it! -jr

Elizabeth Halt said...

Now I am wondering why the guy bought the baby bottles. Why does it seem so funny to me that he tested them and so his purpose could have been unusual when it seems like a good idea so probably he needed them for a baby? ;)