I am getting bored with my social media scans, my radio talk shows are not stimulating, I would love a girls' getaway to a place with a fireplace and a sauna and maybe even in-floor heating. Or replace the girls for my husband and include a hot tub for him!
With the chill in the air, I am feeling ready for more substantial connections, ready to become more engaged with thought, with friends. I have a nice stack of books to get involved in a few new relationships. Shall we rekindle ourn?
I have three books started: Emma by Jane Austin, Peace Like A River by Leif Enger, and a self-help/marital book Love & Respect by Dr Emerson Eggerichs.
Are you reading something? Do you have a fall soundtrack? What changes does the cold weather bring to your day, your week? I am enjoying tea again in the evenings, wearing scarves all day, and heading home from work in the dark.
I have been enjoying the golden orange tamarack trees.
I've been doing more baking. And eating.
Cozying up with a blanket.
You and I are reading the same book! I-the girl who never reads more than one book at a time- am reading Ine Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Love & Respect!
And researching vacations in Florida. Don't think it will happen, though.
It's so nice to see a post from you! I miss you.
(I have read the L & R blog, not the book yet.)
I didn't know about the blog! I shall check it out.
Jan, my theo wants a beach vacation. Also not going to happen, but fun to think about.
Jeannine, I couldn't get into that GGM book. I'll try again someday.
I'll admit, I SIGH if nothing has been updated in my FB feed for several hours. Even if I'm too busy to post, I still enjoy reading what others are doing! Dangnabbit. Ha. That's bad.
I'm nesting. Sorting. Purging stuff we don't need. Resting a lot. And I finished my third book in a year (only!), even though it was crummy. I need a slower pace than this instant one...
Was at the doctor's office the other day and the four other women in the waiting area made no eye contact and were all on their phones. Even the one with the presh new baby in her carseat. I wonder if babies will have less eye contact now on a daily basis? Even though I want a smart phone, I know I'd be drawn in and I don't want to miss out on too much of the daily random and good things.
Julie, On the days i was on my phone before my appt, my blood pressure was higher. Coincidence?
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