
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Do you dread the mailbox

I used to love getting the mail from our box by the road when I was a teenager. I wrote a LOT of letters. Later, as a young adult, I wrote and received fewer letters than I once had, but is often find a fun note or card addressed to me.
These days, there are more bills than I'd care to admit. Not today! Today there was a whole pile of FUN MAIL!!!!

A fun packet full of treats, a handwritten letter, and a couple of gift cards.

And a Lego magazine for Theo. 

Sigh. I love my mailbox again.


MindiJo said...

That is a boxful worth loving! Total opposite of mine. That hospital bills have started to pour in. FUN! I want your box.

mella said...

Lovely jubley!

I remember so many delightful items I received from you in the mail over the years.... I'd love for your box to be bursting on a more reglar basis, my friend :)