
LOVE has come for you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today Theo ate one lick of oatmeal, one ounce of cheddar cheese (Tillamook-yum), one container of Banilla yogurt, 17 noodles, 1/3 beef hot dog, one bite of charred natural charcoal from the deck, one yellow chile pepper remnant from the neighbors' garbage, and one hosta flower.

Suvi is wearing an outfit we got for Theo. I am always so happy when she wears something he once wore. And when she sits in the exersaucer, I'm thrilled to hear her spin the dials. Two sweet, sweet babies to live in my nest. Two!


Elizabeth Halt said...

in other words, a well-balance diet. ;-)

cute photos!

Laura said...

Food from all the food groups - even food groups not yet established.

I'll have to pull you aside for a chat when you start putting Suvi in Theo's hand-me-down Spiderman underoos.

ethiopifinn said...

e: I really try to keep the food pyramid in mind when I offer meals.
l: but spidey would look so cute on her squishy little tushie!

MarcsMess said...

Garbage, crayons, under-the-table foods, etc......All are from the "roughage" food group. As a mom it makes you wonder how they survive on so little.

I LOVE Suvi's knit outfit. Imagine how cosy that would be on a cool Fall day.
