Sitting on the porch in June 2000.

Jay Cooke 25 September 2004

Sometimes when I am in the neighborhood I drive past where the church used to stand. Four huge houses take up that space now. Strange to miss a building that was only on the humble side of attractive.
I am so tired! Its half past midnight. Tomorrow is a work day, plans are in the works to visit a pal in the evening, so I should be resting. I have been walking right on down memory lane with my photo albums this week, and I am so attached to the images in those bulky books. Wanted to post them here just for old time's sake.
sometimes I wish I had a scanner, because I seem to seldom pull out my physical albums now that I've shifted to digital. The memories are all in my head, but it's fun to jolt them to the forefront now and again. But since I do not like wires, or "gadgets", I don't see a scanner in my future.
I did not know that church was gone!
ah, the memories, hey?
I like the photo of the church window.
Our printer has a scanner, that's why we chose it. I am not very savvy when it comes to these things, but I so love my photos. This is a way of enjoying them again.
Yes, the church was bowled over. I think it would be a good thing to live in a place where such a fine church stood.
The old "porch". Lots of secrets, tears, laughs, and smokes. Cans full of smokes.
One time it smelled in the apartment........well, I guess the old geezer upstairs died. His senile sister just cleaned around him.
I will NEVER forget the front porch.
Sometimes I drive by the porch and want to go sit there....
I have to drive by the a-p-t when i get up there, and I ALWAYS want to go have a s-m-o-k-e on the porch. I had such a hard time getting out of the chairs tho. Too deep for my big rump and short legs!
I love the church window! That's probably taken from the spot we were running around the lilac bush on Mother's day around the time I first met you...what memories!
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