
LOVE has come for you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Its so easy

sometimes! Like a perfect Fall outing to the park. We were on our way home from grocery shopping and I couldn't resist pulling in to the park. In the summer its a very happening place, with all the coolest competing Moms, but yesterday the park was empty and inviting! Easy day to be a Mommy.


Laura said...

How do you keep from eating the babies? All the chubbiness and cuteness must be gobbled up!

nan said...

Your kids are so cute! Nikita love to look at our camping pictures and see "Feo and Suvi". miss you Nan

Elizabeth Halt said...

it looks like a perfect day for the park!

btw - I love that rearview mirror photo

ethiopifinn said...

Laura, kids are not usually considered food in Western culture. Just for women in gingerbread houses...

Nan-Miss you too!

E:I have a bunch of rear view mirror pics from over the years... just love the cheesey-ness of the hindsight/reflection play.

Heli said...

Fun pictures, J!
We also had a beautiful day:)

Laura said...

Jen, I live in a gingerbread house therefore, it's perfectly acceptable that I eat baby cuteness.

MindiJo said...

I'm sure you know, but your kids are beautiful. Love the little brown sweater outfit on your youngest.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Those are my favorite kind of park days, when we have it to ourselves! :) I love this series of pictures. My favorites are the second two from the top!