
LOVE has come for you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The day after Christmas

This is St George's Church in Lalibela. Its carved out of rock. If you are an Amazing Race fan, the competitors were there 3 years ago, attempting to match their Cross to one of the monks' or priests' Cross.

This is our shower curtain...(part of it).
Yesterday was Ethiopian Christmas. I was having trouble uploading photos yesterday, and was in a bit of a hurry to do it before work, so here we are today... Blessed Christmas Greetings!


Laura said...

Look at you using the Ethiopian flag colors :)

I want to be on the Amazing Race! I think it'd be fun for Jesse and I to do.

But that's not what this post is about...

Anonymous said...

Did you ever meet my friend Tony from SCSU? He adopted a sweet little gal from Ethiopia almost a year ago. They celebrated for her too, but are obviously new to it. Fun to see!

Elizabeth Halt said...

Happy Ethiopian Christmas. :)