
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, August 17, 2009


there are some words that sound so delicious in my ears, i want to hear them again and again, sentiments that looks so right on the screen in front of me...even if they weren't meant to fill a little space i've created, even if they didn't know they'd find a home in my heart, i just squeeze them to fit. like a smooth stone rolling over and over in my hand, some words just feel right. simply the way i want to read those particular words... and in my head the response is, "I wish you could, and (a little bit) wish {it} was yours for the taking. I love you."

There it is my friends, I want you to have what you need to make you smile. Even when you think it is too much, or beyond you, doesn't change how much it'd make me happy, you holding your stone. Because I really do love you.


Elizabeth Halt said...

i keep reading this post. i am not sure i understand it all, hence the rolling around of the words in my head. but to the last paragraph, i say "yes". yes. yes. and yes. i want that for you too (including you jenny dear), but mostly i want you to really feel like you are worth it (the it being what makes you smile).

Elizabeth Halt said...

oh, i meant to say that i am not sure i understand it all, but i do know that it sounds delicious in my ears. your writing is a gift. :)

Lorz said...

I am in love with this post. Back when I was a kids, we said "I love you" all the time when we were leaving for school and when we went to bed. Then I went through a an anger stage in about 7th grade and had the hardest time sharing my positive emotions for YEARS. It's getting better.

Plus, what Elizabeth said. I love your writing. And you.

Anonymous said...

how come it says "mamajfat" on the head photo?
~ann b.

ethiopifinn said...

that's the watermark on my photos edited in picasa. sometimes i just export them to my drive from picasa so i can get the watermark. think "faye anne".

Anonymous said...

You got a cool head photo. I LOVE barns. And your words. You have an interesting way of writing what I think. How do you DO that?


ethiopifinn said...

thanks. i love YOU. and i forgot to give you something when i saw you last. gotta remember to mail it. and, i'm magic :)

Joni said...

You're good at writing riddles my friend - even the unknown sounds good to me...do you do that on purpose, do you fancy we are rolling along and in need of a brain teaser? What I do know is this. I Love You. And that's that.

mella said...

I love you, and your lantern-heartedness (a stone rolling around in my brain these days)