
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, December 7, 2009

To be, or...

Sometimes life does not allow me to shoot myself in the foot, no matter how desperate I am to do it.  Yesterday before church, I sat down here to throw down a post about my early morning thoughts.  Thoughts which are not meant to be shared, or acted upon, or motivating.  I knew this then, but was so plagued by these thoughts that I really, really wanted to say to a specific person, even when I knew it would not be helpful.  (Vague enough for ya?)  The first time I sat down, I was interrupted before I even got the posting page open.  Kids were ready for diapers and clothes, fresh from the bath with Dad behind the soap.  The second time I was interrupted by Theo's 'sad puppy' sounds.  It is really annoying whining, that was cute the first few times he did it (we were learning about different animal sounds, and clearly, emotions).  It jerked me back to earth after typing a title--suddenly realized it was my turn to wash up and get ready to go.  I was frustrated at not getting those nagging words out, the ones from the early morning thoughts.


It just wasn't meant to be!  Now I am happy those notions stayed inside, rather than spilling out upon the blog.  I do wonder why those thoughts keep arriving in my active file.  Am I worried about something relating to the specific person I was wanting to address (no, it is not you), or is it one of those tricky smoke and mirror things? Hmm.  Some item up for inspection in my very own person?  Huh.

I was definitely meant to go to Lakewinds Co-op today.  My Mom called seconds after I turned the phone on (about 7:45).  She'd heard on the radio that kids need to get out everyday to insure a better mood.  With that info, it only seemed logical to head out to get some bulk goods for the granola recipe she is planning to make.  It appears I am the kid she was referring to, as Theo and Suvi love spending time with Gram, but the outing improved my outlook for the day immensely.  It didn't start out dismal, but I like a good jaunt on the shop with Mama.  Usually I don't get the phone fired up til after 9.  See?  Lakewinds day was meant to be!!!!


MindiJo said...

Pssst: Sometimes I blog stuff and never publish it. And it makes me feel a thousand times better. Just to get it out of my system. Even if nobody else is actually listening. My computer is actually a very good listener. The biggest obstacle? Resisting the temptation to publish those thoughts.

ethiopifinn said...

Ha! Makes me feel better! I've written a few posts, saved them, and then forget about it. Then delete it as I happen upon it much later.

Palin was here today. Thought about you, wondered if your sisters went to see her at the MOA?

Julie said...

I write many posts and never publish them! I get courageous and feel like I have a great subject, then save it to come back to and by the time I do, I've already decided it's dumb. So I don't. :)

Do you use coconut or sunflower seeds with recipes in your house for Theo?

ethiopifinn said...

Julie, Yep. I put coconut in some cookies, and I tried sunbutter, but it turned the cookies green. What is up with that? He didn't like to eat it on bread, and I thought it was okay, but I haven't bought it again. Oh, I use cookies as a way to get some flax and oats in him. SUPER picky eater.

Julie said...

We've subsituted sunbutter in recipes as well (for granola) but it definitely has a strong taste and we don't use as much.

Good tips on the flax and oatmeal.

Anonymous said...

Funny how mothers still worry about their babies 30+ years later.

Did you get the snow they predicted?? We are getting it now. I wonder if we'll have school tomorrow.


Unknown said...

hey bets,
we got some icy blowing drifting snow. it is cold. waaaahhhh. ;P

yeah, that mothering doesn't shut off after graduation. Thankfully!

--jen (i am too lazy to sign H out and sign myself in)

mella said...

I love Lakewinds! And that that was your choice for an outing...

Along with your Mom's wise advice, I've also heard that for optimal personal growth, a minimum of 11 hugs should be given/received per day :)