
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Holiday let down?

I love seeing hearts and other unexpected gifts in my day.
Elizabeth linked to her pal's blog, cultivate,  both made me very happy. Since I read Elizabeth's post last week, I went back to cul*ti*vate a few times to enjoy all the hearts. <3.  This little heart above is in the tree in our backyard.  I noticed it yesterday while chatting to my hubby, who was otherwise occupied in the loo.  So while I was standing in the door to tell him whatever it was that COULD NOT WAIT the two minutes til he emerged from the library, I gave privacy by keeping my eyes directed out the window.  Yes, it is true.  Romance is alive in this house.

 I composed a great little ranting post in my mind this morning as I was stripping my bed.  It was probably THE most clever post ever.  However, I decided to check FB before ripping Monday a new one, and the flame went out.  That's right.  My post was so passionate it burned itself out in about an hour.  That is why a smokey and smoldering post, or romance, is best.  Lasts longer.

I was planning to go on and on about being done, done, done with being sick--all four of us with yucky colds.  And how my nose is sore.  And that I am done, done, done with my girl not doing so hot on the poo poos, so not eating as well as she might usually do, and then waking up both hungry and tooty in the night and staying awake for 3 hours.  And done with T coughing so hard he pukes--in my bed.  Done with my own consti-ma-pation. Done being broke, fat, and some other stuff I have the power to change, but don't want to wait for.  DONE!  I was planning to say that I'm going to close my eyes, count 1-2-3, and open my eyes to my healthy family, fat wallet and svelte physique, and summer.  But I know these colds will be gone soon.  And we really are blessed with general good health.  And the other things will resolve, eventually.  And who wouldn't love to hear her daughter say "Thank you, Daddy.  I Yuv you!" after he delivered the good-night kiss and hug.  And to hear Theo crack himself up, that belly laugh?  And the homemade Valentine he and Daddy colored with pink crayon--an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper with hardly any white left showing--while Suvi and I were at J's wedding?  Yes, these are wonderful.  It was one of the best Sundays in a long time.  Anyone else find Sunday can be a struggle, or sometimes sad?  Yesterday was NOT that way at all.  It was Valentine's Day, colds and all, pretty fab.
So no, there is really no holiday let down after all.  Just a huge pile of kleenex, and now, clean sheets!


Joni said...

love the picked up attitude. working on it myself right about now. Thanks for making me smile, and laugh:)

Julie said...

I looked for hearts too but didn't discover any. Yours is very cute.

Sounds like you had a crazy day/weekend. Ranting is a-okay but despite all the hard stuff, you see the blessings and humor in life. It inspires me. Yes, I so liked this smoldering post...

Elizabeth Halt said...

You have a way with words, my dear. Love the comparison of post to passion.

I loved your hearts!!!

Sorry .. I am chuckling over the library thing. Helen makes fun of me for reading in the bathroom, and says she will now never read any of my books. (And that oh, the horror, if I take a library book in there!) But hey .. it's so efficient! ;)

ethiopifinn said...

elizabeth-- i love reading in the bathroom, but i haven't been in a book for AGES. lately i've been playing tetris. not as enjoyable... my legs used to go to sleep from reading so long! clearly i spent more time reading than the original purpose

Leanne said...

I'm looking for hearts, too!

I hope you're feeling much better. Maybe this sunshine/warmer temps will help!

As long as we're telling poop stories: when I was pregnant for Jack, I had a pump with Zofran. That stuff will stop. you. up. So I would spend entire mornings in there sometimes. I'd bring toys in for Matthew, and books in for me. I never read so much in the bathroom as that period in my life!

Leanne said...

See. You gotta love a blog that inspires such honesty and sharing. ;)

ethiopifinn said...

leanne- oh. my. word. i guess that gives me some "i ain't got it so bad." :) thanks for sharing, and I guess, sorry you had to be THAT backed up!!!!!!

Elizabeth Halt said...

yes .. that is the downside .. if one gets engrossed in a book, one winds up sitting there for much longer than the actual purpose. and really, there are much more comfortable seats in the house. ;)

Julie said...

Dude. How did I miss this turned into a toilet conversation? I LOVE those kinds! :D Have you ever seen the Uncle John's bathroom readers? We had one once but people spent WAY too long on the potty. Fascinating, random triva.

...Tetris. Haven't heard of that one before. That's awesome.

ethiopifinn said...

we have a book in there called Passing Time In The Loo. You can learn a little about a lot of stuff from that one!