
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

all done!

the weekend went quick!

we stopped in hinkley for coffee and rolls.
browsed around some shops in Canal Park.  i got a postcard, mari a cheese cutter, katie a hat, and mom... something kitcheny, i believe.  then we went up to the olive garden for a late lunch.
arrived in two harbors--mom and i were first, so we worked fast to unload the car, fill the fridge and pick our beds. (she gave her spot to mari, tho, mom's do that sort of thing)  i was relieved everyone seemed pleased with our lodging.  we watched up in the air with geo clooney.  not too bad! and mom made pizza--whole wheat crust, her own sauce with cheese and one with pepperoni. 

saturday morning mom was up EARLY. mari and i were sleeping like kings in the loft; we woke up to mom making her tea, and generally banging around the kitchen.  maybe 5:00ish :)  we started chatting in our bed and didn't make it back to sleep.  fun needed to start before the sun!

  we drove north, stopping at the roadside park at the silver creek tunnel.  we walked a bit along the path. it was windy and fresh.  loved it!  then moved on to gooseberry falls.  most of the path was clear, we spent a lot of time enjoying the rush of the river.  in the summer, this park is so packed, you have to register to camp a year in advance.  it was fairly populated on saturday, too, but there was still plenty of room to breathe.

  we headed back (with a little stop at pamida for some necessities, which equals a broad easter candy selection and chips, and then a lighthouse drive-by) to our lakeside home-for-the-weekend for a lunch of grilled chicken breast, oven roasted asparagus and homemade mac & cheese.  there was way to much food!  mom and i planned 3 meals a day.  we should have known better!  there was so much munching and snacking and our meals were so huge...next time we'll plan breakfast and one meal.  how do you cope with leftovers when you are not at home?  there is no such thing as tossing it out in my family.  we ate the leftys, which eliminated the need for more cooking, of course!
  in the evening, we set our to watch precious.  i really didn't know the story, and was horrified just a couple of minutes in.  i liteally ran from the room screaming.  i can watch a mafia movie, with shooting and swearing and general goodfella roughness, but i absolutely cannot stomach watching any sort of abuse.  oprah, if you are reading this, i will never watch another movie you make.  some stories are really difficult to tell, but there are certainly ways of telling a story, illustrating pain, that are not graphic.  i do not need to see and hear an episode of child abuse to understand the climate in a disrupted family.  especially not rape of a teenager by the man in the house.  i don't know if he was the father, or mother's boyfriend, but i didn't watch long enough to find out.  in fact, i just left and went for a brisk walk down to the beach.  and had to stay there at the water's edge with the sound  of the waves and the cleansing breeze for a long time.  those types of images that i saw in the beginning of the movie do not leave my head quietly.  i have to shove them out.  and then... i didn't want to go back in the condo--first, i just couldn't go back if the movie was on, and second, i was embarassed about my reaction.  as i was running out the door, shirley tried to comfort me--we won't watch it, she said, but i just needed to move far away from the energy in that room.  the sunlight was fading, encouraging me to get back before dark.  nobody really acknowledged the fact that i had a major emotional response, but i simply accepted the difference between how i would want to approach the situation if i were in their shoes, and the reality of their quiet to the issue.  katie, shirley and mari went for a walk in the dark along the shore just as i returned.  they scouted out our morning driftwood, rock and photo extravaganzza.
   even with the time change, everyone was able to sleep a little later on sunday morning.  mom and i saw the sun come up.  that was marvelous! 

 we had fun on the rocky lakeside--mom said it probably wouldn't be as exciting if it wasn't a little bit dangerous.  she is a wild one!

  the others were able to stay a third night, but i felt that it would be better to save my husband's PTO for this summer, when i'm bound to be losing my mind and desperate for his help.  when i returned around 6:30 last night, to 64 degrees and no snow, the kids came bounding outside to greet me, and get in some more play time in the fresh air.  the puddles are much smaller than last march.  mama like.  this morning when suvi was up at 5:30, i really wished i were still in that condo at superior shores.  i missed my little family many a moment while up north, it is good to be home, but a weekend away was totally delicious.

  Oh! Saturday morning Mari was reading her coffee cup to us (at that time shirley mom mari and i were the wakeful ones), with the suggestion to say five good things to the person sitting across from you.  this was the type of thing that i was wanting to orchestrate, and it happened organically!  it was difficult at first to hear positive things about myself, but by the fifth compliment, we were all enjoying the positivity.


Elizabeth Halt said...

Oh, that is lovely! It is so nice to hear about your weekend - and that you enjoyed your time away with your sisters and mom.

I happened across Precious at a bookstore and read some of the beginning. I know I can't watch the movie - that's a given - but I may finish the book sometime since it is her autobiography.

I spent a lot of time hiding in bathrooms with my hands squished tight over my ears going la-la-la in my life (outside was not an option, it was usually in motel rooms), so I know exactly how you felt. The only time I can sort of manage violence is if it's stylized (think Kill Bill) and other subjects are even more impossible. Glad you had the water to escape to in that moment ..

MindiJo said...

I'm so with you on the Precious thing. Someone started to tell me about it and I couldn't take it. I could never watch it. Breaks my heart and wouldn't leave me for a looooooooong time.

But on a happy note, I am so glad that you had a beautiful time with your sisters and that you heard some nice things about yourself! You deserve it.

Leanne said...


I am so glad you have that description of the movie. I will not be watching it either. There is a movie with J. Travolta The General's Daughter - it gave me nightmares for two weeks. HORRIBLE. I literally hated closing my eyes. Some things should not be made into images, agreed. (PS Your reaction was appropriate. You are the only one with small children right now, right? You couldn't help but put your babies there, IMO)

I'm glad you had a good time, though, and I LOVE the pics!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great way to reconnect with your family. Enjoy those memories.....


Julie said...

Yay! I've been awaiting the weekend update! I realize it's only Monday but I get impatient. :)

Hinckley + Rolls = Heaven.

I giggled at the "too much food". Sounds like my own family- all of us girls plan too many meals on vacation. Your menu sounded delish and impressive.

What a wonderful weekend and way to reconnect. I'm so happy you got some time away. FUN photos here and on FB!

The movie does sound like a hard one to watch. I'm glad you took a moment to clear your head. (And gave us your review of it here.)

Enjoy the Spring-like weather with the kiddos! I don't want to assume it's here to stay just yet... :)

ethiopifinn said...

My mom came home today just before 3. she said they watched the movie after i left yesterday, and that the beginning was the worst part. if only i had known, i could have just blocked my ears and slammed my eyes shut until that gross part was over... but i don't think i'll try again!

it was a really great weekend. i was looking at more photos today...funny girls!

Joni said...

I love seeing your photos - I'm aching for a good sister's weekend! Glad to know about the movie - sorry you had to be blindsided w/that...

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting to hear about your weekend. Your pictures look like you all had fun!
A weekend away from the kids sure makes them more enjoyable today!
miss you, Nancy

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Catching up here! It sounds like a wonderfully fun weekend getaway. I love the photo of you and your mom hanging by the edge of the cliff. That's great!

I can't wait to do this type of weekend one day with my own sisters and mom. We always dream about it.

I'm glad you had fun!

~ Jennifer

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

...or is that you?! I thought it was you with the pigtails. But now I'm thinking your hair isn't long enough...! (??) :)

~ J