and life is already getting back to normal.
Or maybe less intense. (Yay!)
And Judah is really, super easy to love. Serious. Even when he toots on my finger. Or pees all over his clothes. I thought I was hanging on to everything, to prevent the pee shower...? Heh! The first day I had him home he marked the wall. This is the only trouble he gives me, this new baby. Not yet 2 weeks old.
And my Mom has spent 2 nights back at home now. She will be doing rehab 3 days a week-- cardio, mostly, I think. And she needs her hair done in a big way. We are going to try get to the salon this afternoon when Habtamu gets home, Judah and I will give Gram a make over. She is my most faithful customer, coming in for a hairdo almost every week. It'll be good to look like herself again!
Glad to hear your mom is doing well! The babes looks like a keeper, maybe show one of his little face. Glad to hear that he isn't causing trouble!
I think the baby will be good therapy for your mom's heart. How can holding a little one not be? okay, that kinda came out funny, like I am critiquing your mom's heart. I hope you know what I mean though :)What I am saying is that it can be so relaxing to hold a newborn, even if they are peeing on you! (I don't care for the spit up though.)show us more pics of the babe!!!
aaaah, eez goooood! plus how cute are little baby cakers toots.
please give your mama a hug from me, and she looks good far as I can see :) she's one tough lady.
when I worked at the seniors fitness center there was a popular cardio machine that was like a bicycle for your arms... if your mom does that one I think she will enjoy it!
I'm glad your mom is doing well!
I recall a fear of being peed on when changing diapers. It's a vague fear, so clearly I've not been around babies in quite some time. ;)
Glad to hear things are getting back to normal! As normal as life can be with a newborn :)
everyone looks grand - your mom couldn't look better! Beautiful:) Miss you!
I love your baby. Glad to hear life is going well. With all of you. Including your mom.
Congrats on the baby! Gotta love the boys' peein'! Blake has managed to get it in his eyes...
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