
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, August 9, 2010

shadow fountain

i would love to do a cut out of the shadows...the fountain is fun, and please. check out suvi's hair shadow. out.of.control! and the white space made from the cutout of her shadow where it meets her feet. love that.  looks like a quotation box from a cartoon.


Leanne said...

This is the last week our pool is open (oh, summer, how I will miss you...).

Would you be open to meeting me there again next week? I'd love some real life facetime!

(and yes. those shadows rock.)

ethiopifinn said...

That would be great!

it seems too early for the pool to be closing. it is still hot in september...

MarcsMess said...

I adore the shadows!!

Her shadow looks like Dr. Suess, thing one and thing two.

how sweet is that?


Elizabeth Halt said...

I love those shadows!

Anonymous said...

Love the shadows!!! That would look so CUTE on her wall! And, HEY....I can comment..?! Love to read your thoughts!!! So honest! D