
LOVE has come for you.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


we need better insulation in our addition.  it was the addition aeons before the dining room was ours, but the problem is...ice dams.  on the roof.  and the water drip drip dripping in my dining room.  boo and hiss.  we are headed to the big orange store that rhymes with foam peepo to buy some de-icing strips.  hope it works so we don't have to hire the dudes with blowtorches to come and melt that huge pile of ice away.


Leanne said...

foam peepo. ROAR!

We had a similar prob in our living room for years, and we finally had to have guys rip a hole in the ceiling. Grrr. Hope repairs rhymes with meffing tuck.

Leanne said...

*home repairs...

Anonymous said...

"foam Peepo"----you just got a chuckle from the Hub reading over my shoulder.


Elizabeth Halt said...

Hope it works!

ethiopifinn said...

Well, turns out those things I was looking to buy are PREVENTATIVE. Dang it, that stinks.

H chipped some ice off and we just have to catch the drips. We'll have to rip a hole in our ceiling too...but not yet. We need better insulation. Shooooooooot.