
LOVE has come for you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Unclouded the sky above

unbelievable love!

my darling niece became a little missus on saturday afternoon.  i woke up early to get my 'hive on, zipped thru micky d's for a little latte action, and scooted the flex right out west to delaner.  i was loaded down with devices of all sorts, well prepared to take care of the hair for the bride, her mama/my sissy, and two of the bride's maids/my nieces.  it was a perfect day for a wedding.  PERFECT!
i was acting as the photomatographerish aunt.  i may or may not have taken 1,131 photos.  you know, you'd hate to leave something out.  plus, i can't believe how many 'blinkers' there are in my realm.  the bride, the groom, the m-o-h (matron of honor), the fob, the mob...and the gmob, too! come on folks! don't be talking and don't shut your eyelids.  there is plenty of time for those activities on either side of the fraction of a second when i am operating the digital shutter.  i am not a professional photag, the photag-ees should be gentle with me! 
truthfully, my whole body hurt today from being so happy yesterday.  i told my sister this afternoon how happy i was to be able to share in the day; kristin's happiness is our joy!  the wedding and reception were outdoors.  a good 8 hour stint out in the fresh air and not very much sitting.  PERFECT day for an auntie.

kristin and jeannine rode with me from kate's house to the wedding location.  we listened to this song.  the bride cried.  i beamed.  LOVE storyhill.  i had a mad crush on chris (on the left. he's taller than he looks in this video.  really tall.) since the first time i saw him in duluth when i was 18.  and now we are married.  not to each other, of course.  it's just fun to say it that way.  sigh.

AND, i made a few fascinators for funsies.  i wanted my sisters to wear them during the reception...they did for a few minutes and a few pics.  yay!  mine was a purchase, waiting to be worn again.  quick!  lets plan an event fascinator worthy!

happy congratulations, kristin and mark!  we love you & we loved celebrating your wedding.  take good care of each other! 

****the drawing will be held on Monday.  i need someone else to draw a name out of the drum, to insure randomness.  and the hubbinator has been sleeping for quite some time already.  pretty sure he wouldn't be super fired up to draw a lucky winner at 12:37 a.m.  12:37???!!!! i gotta get to bed!  be back later with the name of the lucky weeeeener!!  xo****


Jan said...

fasinators, that's what they're called? Maybe we'll make for our SLW this year.
Cute photo of you and Habtamu!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! You look so beautiful - and so do your sisters. The bride looks beautiful, I love her dress! And your fascinators, I admire:) It's so fun to get a glimpse of the big day. -jr

oh, and your dress looks so interesting (as in fabulous), I wish I could get the full effect...

Anonymous said...

and the write-up of the experience cracks me up - you are funny. -jr

my word verification is booti

MindiJo said...

Ooooh! I likey! Sassy.(the fascinators) And your shirt (or is it a dress?) the little bits I see look BEAUTIOUS!!!

Elizabeth Halt said...

I love the fascinators! I would love to wear one but I feel like there is no way I could make something in my hair look cute. I would need your genius.