
LOVE has come for you.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


  • when i am short on sleep, my temper is quick-lite and white hot
  • when sharing a living space with others, regular conversation is a must
  • when sharing a living space with others, regular conversation is huge
  • when sharing a living space with others, regular conversation is critical
  • when sharing a living space with others, regular conversation is helpful
  • i think you get the picture.
i am a worrier, and worst-case scenario imagine-r, and this is not a good quality or characteristic when sharing a living space with OTHERS!!! :)
However, it's reassuring and a blessing to be able to call on the resource close to me.  You know, the husband kind of resource.  Who is, let me be sure to mention, bi-lingual.  Unfortunately he isn't fluent in Female (nor I in Male), yet quite fortuitously, he is absolutely fluent in both Amharic and English. 
Yesterday I was making wrong assumptions about what the VIP was saying, so I literally ran away from her, out the back door, and flagged Habinero down to translate.  Turns out she was just feeling a little down, and worried what I might be thinking of her plan to get a new dress.  I squeezed her shoulders and H conveyed my response: Lady, I love clothes and shopping, and I ain't gonna be the one to tell you not to get a new dress.  DON'T.WORRY.

It's just a good philosophy in general, the not worrying thing.  Lets just try a little thing called trust.  I trust we'll keep the words and sentiments flowing freely and with great clarity up in here.


Brita said...

Too funny. You really need to write a book.

Anonymous said...

I love that your hubby is not fluent in Female!! great writing AGAIN my friend.... how long is VIP there?

MindiJo said...

Habinero. Seriously. I love you.

And, dress shopping? You better take that one seriously.

ethiopifinn said...

mindi, of course you do. bwahahahaa!

nan, one.more.month. we're getting there!

oh brita...that is a fun dream.

Elizabeth Halt said...

Habinero! Because he is hot like the pepper, I assume? (I am also assuming the pepper is hot, because I do not eat habineros because I suspect they are hot.)

I am glad you have him to translate when needed.

I was a massive worrier-worst-case-scenario-er too. Much empathy.

ethiopifinn said...

so hot the habinero even burns the fingers. aiyaiyaiiiii!
(yes, hot like the pepper, but also because of the h-a-b :)