
LOVE has come for you.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

she's really something

So I am not mad at anyone, for the moment I like myself, my kids are healthy, my husband is helpful and interested, and interesting.   I'm really wanting to blog, but my head is soooo mellow and even.  Makes for dull reading, this even keel...

The Home Depot check out lady put tears in my eyes last night.  She reminded me to thank a Veteran for their service to our country.  It is something that is really hard for me to do.  When I see a person who is currently active in the military, the thought ALWAYS comes to my mind to thank them for their service, but I can NEVER do it.  There is something akward about it for me, but I hope they can feel my admiration.  And wonder.  It all scares me so much, that choice to give your life to one specific purpose.  And the potential for loss.  Ugh.  Well, as I walked out of the store, gulping, I called my sister Katie.  I thanked her for her service in the Navy.  She was surprised, and pleasantly, it seemed; she told me I was the second Thanks of the day.  It was 8 in the evening.  She came home from her 4 years of service when I was six.  That is 28 years ago, if you are trying to do the math. 
My family would make her tapes and send them to her over seas.  I don't know how often Mom did it, but I do remember hearing one with me yelling, "Cake! Cake! I want cake!"  The baby of the family is always the MOST charming.  And I think there were some sermons on tape too.  A four year old doesn't know a lot about missing her sister, but a 34 year old knows a lot about loving her sister.  Love you Katie.  And cake--somethings never really change!!!!!

Heading over to the saloon now.  Rustle up some hairdo's for the happy hour crowd.


Jen H. said...

I ditto your thoughts. I always think that I should thank a military person in uniform when I see them. My MIL always does, and I admire her for that.

Leanne said...

Love it.

I think it's hard too. But ever since my FIL told me it's always appropriate (he's a Vietnam Vet), I make a point. Things get easier the more you do them. And I want my kids to see it too!

Keep on keepin' on!

Joni said...

Love the blog today Jenny - I feel the same way, hard to do. I didn't even think about my dad or BIL...shows how even keeled my mind is these days...I'm glad you get to experience it for awhile, even if you don't feel like yourself:)

Jan said...

did you read my post? It is so amazing what some have done for us/our country. Glad to hear your even keel thoughts.

Anonymous said...

never knew about your sister...well, how could I? wonderful.
i ran into an elderly gent who served in WWII in the navy--when I thanked him, he got all teary eyed and blessed me. I guess they feel forgotten sometimes.....
~ann b.

MindiJo said...

I bet I know part of the reason you are so even-keeled... Right? Happened to me, too.

It is hard to do. A year or two ago, I actually called all of the people close to me that served. And I felt a little embarrassed to do it. But I did it. I understand.

And thank you to your sister. I didn't know that about her.

mella said...

vets, saloons, hairdos and cake, oh my!

just watched this the other night, here's a few mainah's in bangor who support our troops in a way that would make the home depot lady proud. no matter what the viewpoint on the war may be, this is quite a moving 'human' story...
