
LOVE has come for you.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


To be honest, I haven't been following the news about the devastation in Haiti.  I've heard bits and pieces on the radio, and from conversations, but it was just too much for me to even take a look at the images.  Two things put it in perspective for me, and struck that "it really matters" chord.
 A client told me she'd seen an image of children outside a school covered in dust, waiting for their parents that might never come.  It made her think of her four year old son, what if he were left at his daycare, not knowing why Mommy and Dad were not with him, and not understanding why the world around him fell down. 
Then on my way home from the grocery store, Garrison Keilor was singing an old blues song, with the lyrics along the lines of "A sick man cried to the Lord...don't turn your back on me."
There might be strange things happening everywhere in my life, from my body to my bank account, but I have my children and my husband at my side, on our cozy couch in our little house.  I am blessed.  Let me be grateful for these simple luxuries and provisions.


mella said...

simple luxuries...
well spoken.

Leanne said...

It was a week filled with moments of perspective for me as well.

Elizabeth Halt said...

I can't follow it. My heart breaks. Maybe I should be stronger and try .. but instead, I send what I can.

Brita said...

Oh, the little children...