It has not even been a week, and the goodness of feeling refreshed is starting to fade. There are many reasons I loved last Friday, and some of the reasons were what is wasn't: it wasn't a day of whining, hair pulling, begging for movies, not eating the food in front of you, tattle tales were non-existent, sneaking wasn't around. What it was: lots of adult conversation about each of our lives. The only interruptions to the conversations were by me; I'm sorry, if I don't interrupt you, I might lose my point.
Even when it absolutely drives me nuts, I love that I get to hear, "Mommymommymommymommymommymommymommy..." all throughout my days. I love Motherhood. You know that. But it is good to remember that the Me that got me in the position to be a Married Mother of Three is still here. Instead of creative clutter: photos, words, paper, I am buried under toys, laundry, bills. I'm complaining about it in the not-really-complaining sort of way, and so thankful to have friends who get it. They get me. I have a husband who gets it so much (ha, ha--get your mind out of the gutter! I'm not talking pizza here), who understands the importance of time with friends so well that he was more than willing to take Friday off of work to spend time with the kids. So yes, I love this place I am in life, but I also LOVE getting a day off here and there, to touch base with Jenny and the girls she is so lucky to know.
Because you are so worth it!
joni, funny that you were the first to comment. i always think of you when i'm with our childhood friends, but i miss you when i'm with my other friends, too. i always miss you. someday we will get to visit on a beach. but maybe lake michigan, and lmy could come too. or just us. i can't wait! love you!
the refreshness IS FAding. why didn't we stay the night? next time....
miss you girls already, Nan
Yes! Next time we will spend the night. just $1 a week will do it!
I can't wait either. I always miss you when you're with our childhood friends too...huh. ha. someday, I think that might just work out for us:) Love you too - muah.
I smile every time I look at that. I really really really needed that day.
You are definitely worth it!
of course, it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - i always miss you.
It is so great to get time to see your old self for a bit, isn't it? I can so totally relate.
I miss that person some days. She ain't exactly the same now though, and that is good too. What I mean, is I've grown since my non-mom days.
hey, pleazzze keep posting. Just put that pic on your sidebar so you can see it every day. kay? thanx.
good idea, jan.
I see you took my advice: )
We ended up going to services to west instead, so maybe I missed you Sunday morning. It woulda been fun to see you tho...I didn't get your comment until Sunday night.
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