
LOVE has come for you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

'darkness is a harsh term, don't you think'

last year on this day, october 11th, suvi took a picture of her tootsies. outside.  and i shared one of my kids' favorite songs.
one year later, we have another be.A.U.tiful day.  bare feet and short sleeves. 
since i haven't posted music for a couple weeks, i thought i'd share some more.  this time, it's a new-to-me band with LOVERLY sound.  a new favorite.  and at 53 seconds in, i want to jump up and cheer wildly. also at 3 minutes in. yikes! fills me UP!
no, thank YOU very much, mumford and sons. aiyaiyaiiiiieeeee!

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