
LOVE has come for you.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

first steps.

this is part of the organization of my world.  it starts with a little limelight. the limelight letters, in fact. i first learned about them over at livlane.com. i am a bit of a stranger to change, but i'm ready for some giddyap, y'all.

i do believe i have a test to schedule and some fabric to cut out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I opened my page-a-day Dave Ramsey today. Maybe these words will encourage you as much as they do me:

"Something magical happens When we write down our goals. We somehow begin to live out our plans. I am not saying that if you do a written plan you will automatically carry out every last detail. But clarifying your goals and aspirations, changes the way you see your situation. When you see on paper what must be done, you will begin to move in that direction as a matter of course."

-B (with help from DR the man)